Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Leila Mulla: Developing a positive attitude about aging

What is there to look forward to in the process of aging? This Leila Mulla blog will explain how optimism can help you age gracefully.

In a society that honors beauty and youth, many people find themselves dreading that time when all that they can see in the mirror are reflections of the times that passed. The reflections—with gray hairs, wrinkles, and exhausted eyes—just seem to look back at them with uncertainty over the future. But for optimists, this should not be the case. People should see these reflections not as sad beings but people who can still learn and develop—people who can still live lives.

Leila Mulla Photo Credit:

Old age does not necessarily make an old spirit. People can still be young even with their aged physiques. If they have the proper mindset, such as the one advocated by optimist Leila Mulla, they can still find entertaining things that can bring fulfillment. Through committing to lifelong learning and giving in to curiosity, people can look for new ways to grow their knowledge. Examples of these include learning how to play chess or trying to write stories.

Leila Mulla Photo Credit:

Like fine wine, people also get better as they age. Having accumulated years of existence helps aged people possess the proper maturity to look positively on the things that surround them. Through a healthy and idealist mind, they can reject the stereotypes about aging and feebleness—thinking of themselves as smart, capable, and dignified members of the society.

Leila Mulla Photo Credit:

More information about positivity is available at Leila Mulla’s Facebook page.

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