Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Leila Mulla: Nurture the heart and soul with feel-good movies

Optimists like Leila Mulla take pleasure in attracting positive things in life through the books they read, the people they encounter, the places they visit, the words they utter, the songs they listen to, and the movies they watch.

From Leila Mulla

Movies have the power to influence minds and behavior. Movies filled with negative imagery like violence, exploitation, and death will somehow leave a negative mark on the subconscious mind; whereas, films with humor, inspiring messages, and happy endings nourish the heart and soul.
Virginia Tech presented two studies that said: “...prolonged exposure to gratuitous violence in the media can escalate subsequent hostile behaviors and, among some viewers, foster greater acceptance of violence as a means of conflict resolution.”
That’s why Leila Mulla and other positive attitude advocates believe that feel-good movies are very beneficial in building a world of positivity.

Here are a few perfect examples:

1. Forrest Gump – This is a story of a simple man with low mental capacity but with huge dreams in life—becoming bigger in the end than his obstacles as he overcomes his childhood struggles.

From Leila Mulla

2. Sound of Music – This is a classic musical film of a family of singers trapped in the middle of the Nazi rule in Austria, but escapes the crisis and lives happily through it.

From August 25, 2011

3. Pursuit of Happyness – This drama is based on a true struggle of a poor man. With determination, he fights poverty and attains financial success.

To know more about Leila’s lessons in life, find her on Facebook.

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